KubeWeekly #214: May 1, 2020
- The Headlines
- ICYMI: CNCF Webinars
- CNCF Ambassador Webinar: CKA / CKAD
- CNCF Member Webinar: Kuma: Service Mesh and the Future of Application Connectivity
- CNCF Member Webinar: Building Zero Trust based Authentication in Healthcare with SPIRE
- CNCF Member Webinar: Best Practices In Implementing Container Image Promotion Pipelines
- CNCF Community Webinar: How to Conduct a GREAT Live Stream
- Tweet
- The Technical
- Life of a Vitess Cluster
- Two-phased Canary Rollout with Open Source Gloo
- Kubernetes state management with Pulumi and Python
- Simulating Clock Skew in K8s Without Affecting Other Containers on the Node
- Inside Kinvolk Labs: Investigating Kubernetes performance issues with BPF
- kubernetes-azure-devops-dragdrop
- Istio Upgrades Reloaded | A demonstration of revisions tech in 1.6
- An (Opinionated) Guide to Understanding Kubernetes Network Architecture
- Encrypting and storing Kubernetes secrets in Git
- Why strace doesn’t work in Docker
- The Editorial
- Open Policy Agent, with Tim Hinrichs and Torin Sandall
- Announcing Vitess 6
- Essential Kubernetes Extensions Explained
- Tidepool Replatforms Diabetes Data Service from Custom Tooling to Open Source with Gloo and Kubernetes
- Container security meets Kubernetes: What IT pros need to know
- Couchbase Updates Operator for Database Running on Kubernetes Clusters
- How to scale a deployment within a Kubernetes cluster
- 個人メモ
The Headlines
CNCF Announces Helm Graduation
KubeCon + CloudNativeCon is Going Virtual
KubeCon/CloudNativeCon Europe2020はVirtual開催されることとなった。(August 17-20)
Attendee RegistrationはUSD $75に。やすい。
ICYMI: CNCF Webinars
CNCF Ambassador Webinar: CKA / CKAD
CNCF Member Webinar: Kuma: Service Mesh and the Future of Application Connectivity
www.cncf.io (動画未視聴)
Service MeshのKumaについて。 Service Meshといえば下記の資料が大変勉強になった。ありがとうございます。 (最近Kumaについても登壇されてた肩がいた気がするのだが失念してしまった)
Service Mesh Interfaceとそのエコシステム / Service Mesh Interface and its Ecosystem - Speaker Deck
CNCF Member Webinar: Building Zero Trust based Authentication in Healthcare with SPIRE
www.cncf.io (動画未視聴)
SPIRE is a production-ready implementation of the SPIFFE APIs that performs node and workload attestation in order to securely issue SVIDs to workloads, and verify the SVIDs of other workloads, based on a predefined set of conditions.
CNCF Member Webinar: Best Practices In Implementing Container Image Promotion Pipelines
www.cncf.io (動画未視聴)
Conclusions - Build Only Once - Separate Environments - Promote What You've Built - Own Your Dependencies
CNCF Community Webinar: How to Conduct a GREAT Live Stream
www.cncf.io (動画未視聴)
カンファレンスの配信について、YoutubeやTwitchなどの効果的な使用方法を紹介するウェビナー 先日開催されたInfra Study Meetupでは下記のようなこともあった。 (運営のみなさま、いつもありがとうございます。)
The kubectx you love is now reborn today!
— ahmet alp balkan (@ahmetb) 2020年4月29日
I've published a new version of `kubectx` and `kubens`:
🚀 written in Go
🌈 supports Windows
🏎 8-15x faster switching clusters
🧠 preserves your kubeconfig YAML format
Please try it out, and give feedback:https://t.co/toBK78kwhG pic.twitter.com/YVU4yITBtO
The Technical
Life of a Vitess Cluster
Vitess | A database clustering system for horizontal scaling of MySQL
Vitessをインストールしたとき、裏でどのようなことが行われているかの説明。 vtctldの設定やcellの生成、VTGateの設定などハンズオン形式で説明されている。
Two-phased Canary Rollout with Open Source Gloo
Two-phased Canary Rollout with Open Source Gloo - Kubernetes
(ServiceMeshっぽいなと思ったが、GlooはAn Envoy-Powerd API Gatewayな製品)
Kubernetes state management with Pulumi and Python
Kubernetes state management with Pulumi and Python | Maksim Ramanouski
""" Creating a Kubernetes Deployment """ import pulumi from pulumi_kubernetes.apps.v1 import Deployment app_labels = { "app": "nginx" } deployment = Deployment( "nginx", spec={ "selector": { "match_labels": app_labels }, "replicas": 1, "template": { "metadata": { "labels": app_labels }, "spec": { "containers": [{ "name": "nginx", "image": "nginx" }] } } }) pulumi.export("name", deployment.metadata["name"])
Simulating Clock Skew in K8s Without Affecting Other Containers on the Node
Simulating Clock Skew in K8s Without Affecting Other Containers on the Node | TiDB
Clock Skewとはネットワーク内のNode上のクロック間の時間差をあらわす言葉。分散システムの信頼性の問題を引き起こす可能性がある。
そのClock SkewをChaos MeshのTimeChaosを使ってシミュレーションするという記事。
Inside Kinvolk Labs: Investigating Kubernetes performance issues with BPF
Inside Kinvolk Labs: Investigating Kubernetes performance issues with BPF | Kinvolk
具体的な例(Nginx/Fluentd/Apache Flume)を出しつつどのように調査したのかをまとめている。
調査の結果、kubenetのバグということがわかったのでissueを立てて対応したとのこと。 kubenet: repeated ebtables rule causes bad network performances (v1.16 and v1.17 only) · Issue #89633 · kubernetes/kubernetes · GitHub
Azure DevOps Pipelineを起動させてHelmチャートを任意のKubernetesクラスタにデプロイするNode.jsアプリ。
Istio Upgrades Reloaded | A demonstration of revisions tech in 1.6
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POlpwBdXfbE (動画未視聴)
このアプローチだと同一Kubernetesクラスタで複数のIstio Control Planeを実行できる(らしい)
Istio / Introducing istiod: simplifying the control plane
Installing, upgrading, and removing Istio no longer require a complicated dance of version dependencies and startup orders. For example: To upgrade, you only need to start a new istiod version alongside your existing control plane, canary it, and then move all traffic over to it.
An (Opinionated) Guide to Understanding Kubernetes Network Architecture
An (Opinionated) Guide to Understanding Kubernetes Network Architecture
Encrypting and storing Kubernetes secrets in Git
Encrypting and storing Kubernetes secrets in Git
GitHub - bitnami-labs/sealed-secrets: A Kubernetes controller and tool for one-way encrypted Secrets
Why strace doesn’t work in Docker
Why strace doesn't work in Docker
The Editorial
Open Policy Agent, with Tim Hinrichs and Torin Sandall
Kubernetes Podcast from Google: Episode 101 - Open Policy Agent, with Tim Hinrichs and Torin Sandall
OPAの説明。(Kubernetes PodCast)
Announcing Vitess 6
Announcing Vitess 6 - Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Essential Kubernetes Extensions Explained
Essential Kubernetes Extensions Explained - Kublr
Kubernetesに関連する諸々の説明。 オーバーレイネットワーク、クラウドネイティブストレージ、CI/CDフレームワーク・・・。
Tidepool Replatforms Diabetes Data Service from Custom Tooling to Open Source with Gloo and Kubernetes
Tidepoolは糖尿病患者、そのケアチーム、研究者にとって糖尿病データをよりアクセスしやすく、実用的で、意味のあるものにすることを目的とした非営利団体。 Liberate your diabetes data | Tidepool
Container security meets Kubernetes: What IT pros need to know
Container security meets Kubernetes: What IT pros need to know - TechRepublic
Couchbase Updates Operator for Database Running on Kubernetes Clusters
Couchbase Updates Operator for Database Running on Kubernetes Clusters - Container Journal
Couchbase Operatorのアップデートのおしらせ。
How to scale a deployment within a Kubernetes cluster
How to scale a deployment within a Kubernetes cluster - TechRepublic